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What is Chernarus?

 Chernarus is a post soviet country that broke free after the fall of the iron curtain in 1991. Many of its citizens still holding on to their communist/socialist ideologies elected their president Dimitri Malkova in june of 1992. As the world became more and more industrialized and technology advanced new ideas were spread across the small country. In its capital of Novigrad, in April of 2005, organizations began to boost the idea of capitalism and reform. Peaceful gatherings began to happen all over the country. A man named Petr Slovachek led many of these organizations and demanded the government stepped down.

The sudden demand for reform, put pressure on the current socialist government. Seeing Petr as a threat he was quickly arrested. This angered many of the country’s citizens. Taxes were increased and the police in the capital were ordered to shut down all opposition to the current government. Peaceful gatherings turned into full scale riots. A war began between the common citizen and the police. Small towns turned into battle fields, streets littered with broken bottles, burned cars, and tear gas canisters. Neighbor turned on neighbor. Persecution of those who supported the government began. Stores were robbed, houses vandalized.

In January of 2006, after 8 months of chaos, Dimitri Malkova was found dead in his office, the autopsy showed he was poisoned, either by suicide or by someone else. After his death, Petr was released from prison. The people demanded that he took over and reformed the government for what it should be. On February 15th 2006 Petr Slovachek became the 2nd president of Chernarus. Trade began to open up for the small country, People were introduced to better medicine and consumer needs. The country became more and more industrialized. Chernarus became an interesting tourist attraction, drawing in people from around the world. The peace and prosperity of Chernarus would continue until 2018.


The Infection

In December of 2018, a man was brought into a hospital in Chernogorsk. His family said that he was hiking out on a camping trip and went missing for a few days. The unknown man was said to have violent outbursts, lashing out at doctors scratching and biting, he was bleeding from the eyes and mouth. His skin a pale grey color. After hours of trying to sedate him, his outbursts, turned into small twitches. He eventually stopped breathing, and was pronounced dead the next morning. Months passed and similar cases erupted throughout the continent. People becoming extremely violent, biting and scratching people. In some cases eating flesh. The Government recognized the attacks as a threat to the nation and declared the country to be in a state of emergency. The small country requested the help of the united nations. The UN responded by sending in small task forces of peace keeping forces to provide aid to the country's citizens. News spread quickly after the request of UN troops to Chernarus. Trade from neighboring countries stopped. The Russian superpower, blockaded the border, stopping anyone from going out or into the country. Chernarus was on her own.

South Zagoria the area furthest away from the capital experienced little to no aid from the UN or the government. With cases of the now declared virus increasing in numbers the citizens of South Zagoria became scared and frightened. A group of masked individuals began to terrorize local police forces as the tensions rose. An era of riots and protests began again. This time demanding support. South Zagoria became unstable. The government sent in the national guard. Men in red masks called the Red Star began assassinating local government officials and political leaders. Streets became soaked in blood. Foreign aid diminished as every month passed. The UN began to pull out of Novigrad as protest became closer to their doorstep. The government went into exile. The Infected began to fill the streets and wood lines of every town as people were eaten alive.  No news came out or into the country. Foreign volunteers and travelers were stuck in the country along with UN divisions and Chernarus forces. The Russian troops on the border were ordered to kill on site anyone who attempted to cross. Trapping everyone in the country.


The current date as of writing this is August 2019, as the months go on so does time in chernarus. This means that your survivor is able to understand the lay of the land and can get around fairly easily. Groups and factions have formed and disappeared. Entry and exit of the country are blocked, however not impossible. If you wish to play as someone new to the country you can, but please explain it. Anything for a background story is possible and We have tried to leave many open spots in the lore for your interpretation and give you character ideas. Our only request is that everyone can not be an ex navy seal special operations know it all. Those types of characters will be accepted but regulated as to add diversity to our server. 

Likewise, becoming a tacticool gun bunny shouldn't be your main priority. Bring life to the server and wear what your character would have. For example, a farmer wouldn’t be toting around a M4 and full military kit.

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